
BackTop makes it easy to go back to the top of the page.

When To Use#

  • When the page content is very long.

  • When you need to go back to the top very frequently in order to view the contents.


Scroll down to see the bottom-right gray button.

The most basic usage.

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import { BackTop } from 'antd';

    <BackTop />
    Scroll down to see the bottom-right
    <strong className="site-back-top-basic"> gray </strong>
.site-back-top-basic {
  color: rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.6);

You can customize the style of the button, just note the size limit: no more than 40px * 40px.

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import { BackTop } from 'antd';

const style = {
  height: 40,
  width: 40,
  lineHeight: '40px',
  borderRadius: 4,
  backgroundColor: '#1088e9',
  color: '#fff',
  textAlign: 'center',
  fontSize: 14,

  <div style={{ height: '600vh', padding: 8 }}>
    <div>Scroll to bottom</div>
    <div>Scroll to bottom</div>
    <div>Scroll to bottom</div>
    <div>Scroll to bottom</div>
    <div>Scroll to bottom</div>
    <div>Scroll to bottom</div>
    <div>Scroll to bottom</div>
      <div style={style}>UP</div>


The distance to the bottom is set to 50px by default, which is overridable.

If you decide to use custom styles, please note the size limit: no more than 40px * 40px.

targetSpecifies the scrollable area dom node() => HTMLElement() => window
visibilityHeightThe BackTop button will not show until the scroll height reaches this valuenumber400
onClickA callback function, which can be executed when you click the buttonfunction-
durationTime to return to top(ms)number4504.4.0